East Finchley
Monday - Friday
9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Monday - Friday
9:00 am to 6:00 pm
At Dental Art Implant Clinics our patient’s satisfaction and wellbeing is very important to us. We are constantly developing as we believe there is always room to improve our dental services and provide even better customer care. Therefore, your feedback is essential. If you would like to leave a suggestion or a comment for us and our team, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We also take customer complaints very seriously. Our goal is to ensure that all our patients receive a positive experience and are satisfied with our services. If a patient complains we will endeavour to deal with the situation courteously and promptly, so the matter at hand is resolved quickly. Our procedures for addressing and resolving such cases are based on these objectives.
Our priority is to handle complaints in a way we ourselves would expect a complaint to be handled. We communicate with our customers in a caring and sensitive way. Every mistake is a way for us to learn.
1. Our Complaints Manager is responsible for addressing and resolving any complaints about our services. Currently this role is undertaken by Dr. Petya Andrijevska, our Clinical Manager.
2. If you wish to leave a complaint by telephone or at the reception desk, we will note the details and offer you a consultation with our Complaints Manager immediately. If the Complaints Manager is not available at that time, you will be informed about available times for a consultation with the Complaints Manager, and we will arrange a time suitable for you. Our staff will take brief details of your complaint and refer these to the Complaints Manager. In the unlikely event our Complaints Manager is unable to address your complaint in a reasonable timeframe - or you simply desire a quicker resolution - we will identify an appropriate alternative senior member of our team to review and address your complaint.
3. If you submit the complaint in writing, your letter or email will be forwarded to the Complaints Manager upon receipt.
4. If your complaint involves any aspect of clinical care or associated charges it will normally be referred to your dentist, unless you specifically request otherwise.
5. Your complaint will be acknowledged in writing, accompanied by a copy of our code of practice, as soon as possible and usually within three working days.
6. We will investigate the complaint within ten working days’ time to provide an explanation of the circumstance that led to the complaint. If you do not want to meet us, we will attempt to contact you by telephone. If we are unable to investigate your complaint within ten working days’ time, we will notify you of the reasons for the delay and provide you with a revised timeframe in which we expect the investigation will be completed.
7. As soon as we have completed our investigation into your complaint, we will communicate our findings and decision to you in writing.
8. All complaints received are kept for the purpose of proper and comprehensive record management.
9. If you as a patient are not satisfied with the result of our investigation, or the way we have handled your complaint, you may escalate your complaint to:
The Dental Complaints Service, 37 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 8DQ (Telephone: 020 8253 0800) for complaints about private treatment.
The General Dental Council, 37 Wimpole Street, London, W1M 8DQ (Telephone: 020 7167 6000), the dentists' regulatory body for complaints about professional misconduct.
91 High Road, East Finchley,
London, N2 8AG
143-145, Balham Hill, London, SW12 9DL
© 2013 - 2025 Dental Art Implant Clinic Ltd. Registered Number: 08459947
Last updated: March 2025 / Guarantee, Website Privacy Policy, CCTV Policy